
Our Mission

“To accelerate the human collective’s understanding that we can do and think different by remembering who we are”

Our History

Founded by Elaine Alec, a respected member of Syilx (Okanagan) and Secwépemc (Shuswap) Nations, Naqsmist Storytellers Inc. began as a consultancy focused on Indigenous planning and community engagement. With her deep understanding of Indigenous knowledge and systemic change, Elaine shifted the organization’s focus towards developing online platforms and courses that allow for a broader, global reach. This evolution was driven by the desire to make the Cultivating Safe Spaces (CSS) framework accessible to a wider audience, promoting systemic change through education and empowerment.

Our Vision

We envision a world where everyone has the tools and knowledge to cultivate safe spaces within themselves, empowering them to make positive decisions for their families, communities, nations, and the land.

Our Values

  • Respect for Tradition and Innovation: We honor Indigenous traditions while embracing innovative approaches to education and systemic change.

  • Inclusivity and Collaboration: We strive to include diverse voices in all aspects of our work, believing that true innovation arises from varied perspectives and collaborative efforts.

  • Integrity and Accountability: We commit to operating with integrity and holding ourselves accountable to the communities we serve, ensuring that our practices align with our mission.

  • Sustainability and Stewardship: We advocate for practices that respect and preserve the environment, promoting sustainability as a core element of all projects and initiatives.

Our Approach

Naqsmist Storytellers Inc. utilizes the Cultivating Safe Spaces (CSS) framework developed by our founder to guide our projects and initiatives. Cultivating Safe Spaces (CSS) is an educational initiative that equips individuals and organizations to cultivate environments that are inclusive, respectful, and safe. Through a comprehensive framework, CSS offers training, workshops, and resources aimed at promoting emotional safety, inclusivity, and empowerment. This framework is rooted in Indigenous principles of community, respect, and interconnectedness. It is applied through:

  • Educational Programs: Offering online courses and workshops that teach the principles of CSS and provide tools for implementing these practices in various settings.

  • Community Engagement: Facilitating discussions and engagements that promote understanding and respect for Indigenous rights and cultures.

  • Consultancy and Advisory Services: Providing expert advice and strategies for organizations wishing to integrate CSS into their operations and cultures.