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Seasonal Shifts and Well-Being: Embracing Change with Community

burnout prevention community healing css conference cultivating safe spaces mindful leadership seasonal affective disorder seasonal depression spring renewal workplace wellness Mar 03, 2025

The advent of a new calendar year often inspires people to make choices that centre well-being, be that physical health and wellness or prioritizing emotional safety. While these efforts are worthwhile, it's also important to remember that even as the year has changed on paper, a lot of us feel the same inside from December into January. For many, the stretching on of winter can also be a hindrance to change and wellness. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), or Seasonal Depression, affects 15% of people in this country. The colder weather keeps us isolated inside and disconnected from the land and community, and the transition back into work after the holiday season can lead to burnout as many industries rush toward the end of the fiscal year. We at Naqsmist can attest to the effects of a long and hard winter, with many of our team members experiencing these struggles in tandem with losses and other hardships in our lives that affect how we approach our work and how we value and prioritize ourselves. 

The changing of seasons can often be a much more tangible and visible marker of change for our bodies and minds. The solstice in the spring brings on new life and abundance on the land. The warmer weather inspires us to get outside, connect with community, and prioritize well-being. Spring symbolizes growth and rebirth, and for many of us this is the time when we get the urge to prioritize these things for ourselves. 

This year, we decided to hold our third annual Cultivating Safe Spaces conference earlier in the year. Coinciding with the spring equinox and the end of the fiscal year, it symbolizes a time for growth, change, and prioritizing well-being and connection. While planning an event of this size requires careful consideration, the timing feels especially meaningful as we gather to reflect and renew.

On April 3rd and 4th we will gather with 100 attendees at the beautiful Coast Coal Harbour Hotel in Vancouver B.C.. This conference is an opportunity to dive deep into the CSS Framework, network and build meaningful connections with like-minded individuals, and participate in various workshops, panel discussions, and presentations. What makes the CSS Conference special is not just what our team puts into it, but what we all get out of it. The connections we make with each other are what make Cultivating Safe Spaces a growing movement. We need you to make this Third Annual CSS conference as special as it has been in the past two years. There is something meaningful to be found for each of us in these two days, and we can’t wait to see what gifts you bring into the space.

Here are the details: 

📅 Dates: 
 - Thursday, April 3rd - 8:00am-4:30pm (Networking dinner to follow)
- Friday, April 4th - 8:00am-3:30pm

📍Location: Vancouver B.C., Coast Coal Harbour Hotel

💲Investment: $1450, payment plans available!

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