Executive Leadership Training

Adaptive Leadership Solutions for Your Organization

2-Day Cultivating Safe Spaces Training for Executive Leadership

Welcome to Naqsmist Storytellers Inc., where we specialize in empowering leaders with the skills and insights needed to foster inclusive, adaptive, and resilient organizational cultures.

Our unique 2-day executive leadership training program integrates Indigenous knowledge with contemporary leadership practices to create a transformative learning experience.

Training Overview

Dates: Flexible, based on your organization’s schedule
Location: In-person at your chosen venue

Why Choose CSS Adaptive Leadership Development?

Unique Value Proposition:

  • Exclusive Insights: Learn from esteemed Indigenous knowledge keepers who bring a wealth of wisdom.

  • Modern Practices: Blend Indigenous teachings with cutting-edge leadership strategies to drive innovation and inclusivity.

  • Measurable Impact: Participants report a significant improvement in the ability to self-regulate and communicate effectively with their teams.

Our Customized Leadership Development Solutions.

1. Executive Leadership Training

Our 2-Day Executive Leadership Training is designed for senior management and executive teams. It integrates the Cultivating Safe Spaces framework with reflective practice and strategic planning to help leaders:

  • Re-frame perspectives and develop deeper understandings.

  • Implement cultural changes at the organizational level.

  • Foster inclusive and supportive work environments.

2. Training Add-Ons

We offer customized add-ons to our 2-day core training to fit your organization’s needs, including:

  • Implementing UNDRIP (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples): Align organizational practices with UNDRIP principles.

  • True Colors Personality Profiling: Enhance team dynamics and communication through personality understanding.

  • Anti-Racism Strategy Development: Build strategies to create an anti-oppressive organizational culture.

  • Strategies to Support Neurodivergent Team Members: Support neurodivergent team members to promote a more inclusive environment.

  • Research, Follow-up and Evaluation We provide research and follow-up support to ensure the application of new skills and continuous improvement. We also evaluate the program’s impact to measure success and identify areas for further development.

3. Access to corporate discounts to self-paced “Intro to Cultivating Safe Spaces” for your organization which includes:

  • Understand the Cultivating Safe Spaces framework, including the Four Conditions to Cultivate Safe Space, the Four Protocols to Cultivate Safe Space, and the Four Decision-Making Perspectives Temperament Model.

  • Understand how to take a trauma-informed approach to self-care and relationships to promote individual, team, family, and community resilience and wellbeing.

Key Features of Our Programs

  • Customized Content: Tailored to address your organization’s specific leadership development needs.

  • Expert Facilitation: Led by experienced facilitators and Indigenous knowledge keepers, including Elaine Alec, Laurie Buffalo, Gretchen Woodman.

Interactive Learning: Engaging and practical activities that promote active learning and reflection.


Step 1: Needs Assessment

We begin with a thorough assessment of your organization’s leadership development needs through consultations and surveys.

Step 2: Program Design

Based on the assessment, we design a customized leadership development program that aligns with your goals and addresses your specific challenges.

Step 3: Delivery

Our expert facilitators deliver the program through in-person or virtual sessions, using interactive and experiential learning methods.

Meet Our Facilitators

Our programs are led by experienced facilitators and Indigenous knowledge keepers:

Elaine Alec

Renowned Indigenous knowledge keeper with extensive experience in fostering inclusive cultures.

Laurie Buffalo

Expert in integrating traditional teachings with modern leadership practices.

Gretchen Woodman

Skilled facilitator with a focus on adaptive leadership and cultural change.


Ready to transform your leadership and organization? Contact us today to learn more about our customized leadership development solutions and how we can help you achieve your goals.

About Naqsmist Storytellers Inc.

Naqsmist Storytellers Inc. is a leader in educational innovation and cultural transformation. Our services are grounded in respect for Indigenous knowledge and a commitment to the inclusion of all voices.

Our Mission:
"To accelerate the human collective’s understanding that we can do and think different by remembering who we are.”

Empower your leaders with the skills and insights to drive meaningful change. Partner with Naqsmist Storytellers Inc. for customized leadership development solutions today.

Strong Endorsements

"Naqsmist’s team was wonderful to work with. They poured their hearts and expertise into the project and were visionary, collaborative, inclusive and professional. Their culturally-safe engagement methods enabled us to hear feedback from participants in ways we hadn’t before. Working with Naqsmist was transformative – we learned so much.”


BC Ministry of Finance

"We have had the honor to be in relationship with Naqsmist and Elaine Alec for over 10 years and are extremely grateful for the support and guidance they have shared with us.  If you’re looking to cultivate safe spaces within your organization or personal life, team build, or take on organizational change there is nobody else we would recommend more. 

Elaine and her group combine cultural and holistic practices with an experienced, passionate, hardworking and professional team.  When I think of self-determination and integrity, they are the organization that come to mind.”


Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Council (I·SPARC)